Tiyaa Delights, J Chanda International, Bikaner

+91 8963023809     info@tiyaadelights.com

Healthy Snacks Benefits

Nothing Beats The Taste Of Good Health!

In the hustle and bustle of life we tend to neglect the most important thing; Our Health. Eating a healthy diet is not about strict limitations. It is more about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boosting your mood. Healthy food refers to food that contains the right amount of nutrients to keep our body fit. Nowadays, kids need to eat healthy food more than ever. Tiyaa Delights have created a wide range of healthy snacking options to encourage good eating habits so that, we and our future generations will be healthy and fit.

Nutty Nuts

Nuts are a very popular food. They are tasty, convenient, and can be enjoyed on all kinds of diets. Nuts are extremely good for your heart. Despite being high in fat, they have a number of impressive health and weight benefits. Adding a serving of nuts to a salad can boost its protein and nutrient content and make it more filling. Eating nuts is beneficial for health as they may protect against risk factors for heart disease and other health conditions. Roasted, salted nuts can add flavour and satiety to a savoury mix, which can replace less healthful snacks, such as chips. By virtue of their unique composition, nuts are likely to beneficially impact health outcomes.

Merry Berries

When it comes to health, berries have a fabulous reputation. Berries contain antioxidants, which help keep free radicals under control. Berries are a good source of fibre, including soluble fibre a nutrient important for a healthy digestive system. This may decrease your calorie intake and make weight management easier. But if you need more reasons to dig into summer's sun-kissed little fruits, look no further than two new studies, which suggest that berries may be good for your heart and your bones as well. Berries are low in calories and extremely nutritious. In addition to being high in antioxidants, they also contain several vitamins and minerals.

Sassy Seeds

You would be surprised to find out how much the addition of healthy seeds to your diet can benefit you. Small and mighty, seeds are packed with an abundance of nutrients and healthy fats. Boost your body's immune system. Seeds are great sources of fibre. They also contain healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When consumed as part of a healthy diet, seeds can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. These crunchy and nutty seeds are versatile and can be easily added into foods like yogurt and salad.

Delicious Dried Fruits

Just as dried apricots are dehydrated fresh apricots, prunes are the result of drying fresh plums. Apricots and prunes are excellent sources of several important nutrients, including fibre, potassium and antioxidant carotenoids. Although the drying process degrades a fruit's content of water-soluble and heat-sensitive vitamins such as vitamin C, other nutrients become more concentrated. Consequently, dried apricots and prunes provide higher levels of most nutrients, ounce for ounce, than their fresh counterparts. While fresh apricots and plums are rich in potassium, dried apricots and prunes contain even higher amounts. Prunes and dried apricots are excellent sources of dietary fibre. Fresh plums and apricots provide small amounts of iron, but prunes and dried apricots are more significant sources.

Magic Mix

People with the urge to eat a candy bar or another sweet snack might find that sweet trail mix can curb their cravings. It's fast, it's tasty and easy to make -- and yes, trail mix can be good for you, too. They are packed with multiple nutrients and vitamins. You can just grab-and-go with a handful of trail mix. It offers satisfaction to hunger and usable energy for your body. It's perfect travel food because no refrigeration is necessary. Hikers, campers and parents of young children like trail mix because it's lightweight, filling and portable.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your favourite packet from our various ranges of snacks and munch away!

A healthy lifestyle starts with healthy food choices!